it has been a week i wasn't update my blog..sajer bg chance kt all of u guys me'ngomen' resepi hr Ahad aku..nmpknyer melampau2 plak last, en jat trpaksa banjer kitorg ini mlm..haha..anyway, thanx in advance la yer..heheh(hmm..nk mkn aper yer mlm ni??)
ok, last week aku blek la jgk..but litle bit tired n boring coz drive sengsorg..x der teman nk ajak sembang..but it's my choice..nk naik bas aku malas nk menapak ke pudu yg kotor tue..huhu
blek ari tu ujan lebat sgt..smpi kena bkk lampu kecemasan..naik cemas aku bwk keter..mmg x nmpk keter kt dpan..huhu..ngeri tul..but Alhamdulillah, aku slmt smpi n slmt pulang ke KL..
yg best nyer blek ari tu bole jmp ngan my nephew..rindu giler kt yg x best nyer..dier dh x kenal aku..wuaaa..nmpk aku je nangis..nangis jer nmpk aku..sedih tu la..bdk2 kalo dier x tengok selalu mmg la x kenal kn..x per la, nnt achik blek selalu yer..biler achik dh kayer n mampu byk duit minyak..haha
lg brtambah sedih biler my niece yg sorg tu selalu cakap umah aku kt KL..bkn kt kedah..kire nyer asal aku blek jer mesti ckp.."achik cuti yer?"..atau.."biler achik nk blek umah achik"..smpi skrg dia mcm x bole terima kenyataan yg aku ni slh sorg anak nenek dier...mak aku cakap anak sedara aku tu anggap aku ni mcm tetamu la kt umah tu..mcm chipsmore..kjap ader kjap x der..
huhu..sian aku knnnnn
Monday, June 30, 2008
Monday, June 23, 2008
resepi di hari Ahad

inilah juadah hidangan di hari ahad lpas...lunch time..
credit to reha, sbb seawal 10pg dh bgn pegi pasar beli brg..
thanx to our special guest, Filzah bcoz sudi brtandang ke umah kitorg last weekend..
our sharing moment was very wonderful rite??heheh
that 'sambal petai' was prepared by me..of course by some direction from my mum..haha
even x baper sedap but at least i can prove to hubby that i can cook..thats da most important thing..hihi
the rest prepared by reha..filzah n ana pn tlg jgk..
reha..what i can say is 'u can cook la'..heheh
however, kalo bab sambal ni, the most expert one among us is of course la cik farhana kiter..
i really enjoy her sambal..sedap bangat..jat..u r lucky la..heheh
last weekend mmg dh x sangap dh like other weekend..mayb bcoz filzah was here n on Saturday nite, we spent time 2gether watching movie at Alamanda -the incredible hulk(mmg best..korang tlgla pegi tgk..really recommended)
lpas abis movie, kitorg gi minum kt kedai mamak jap..then blek umah chit chat lg psal kehidupan msg2..smpi la sumer trlelap..zzzz
now i realize, life is changing now..smtime we miss the pass but still need to move for da future..
Tuesday, June 17, 2008
6 yrs back...
last saturday, i hv got a chance to give a motivational talk to bdk2 matrik.juz nk tlg my ex-lecturer promote KICT kt diorg yg baru masuk alam university..
look at them reminds me on who I am last 6 yrs...look very innocent, hv no idea on whats going on n don't really no what to do..juz go with a flow..
i juz share with them my experince during study time n my working experience..actually, reha n ana dh bg some idea aper yg nk ckap on that day..i hv make some notes on paper but when the time comes, i lose even one word from my mind..more than 350 students in front of me make me blank and nervous..i try to read from my notes, but it seems like nothing goes into my, once the micr given to me, i juz 'redah jer'..sian btul bdk2 tu, ntah aper benda la aku tipu diorg..haha
but i know, this is what i want n what i dream of..2 share smthing with my junior..n i hv grab that opportunity..
tq 2 ana, reha and jat who alwaz support me even korg duk kt blkg dr blkg la konon..huhu
special thanx goes 2 dr norshidah sbb blanjer kitorg mkn n give us some advice..
dr..ur thought bout life really motivates me..
to faheem n sidek, look at both of u i can realize u hv a good life now..keep it up frens
to my juniors, even we only hv a short time 2gether, but for me we hv make it wonderful n meaningful moment..good luck 2 all of u n enjoy u study life..
look at them reminds me on who I am last 6 yrs...look very innocent, hv no idea on whats going on n don't really no what to do..juz go with a flow..
i juz share with them my experince during study time n my working experience..actually, reha n ana dh bg some idea aper yg nk ckap on that day..i hv make some notes on paper but when the time comes, i lose even one word from my mind..more than 350 students in front of me make me blank and nervous..i try to read from my notes, but it seems like nothing goes into my, once the micr given to me, i juz 'redah jer'..sian btul bdk2 tu, ntah aper benda la aku tipu diorg..haha
but i know, this is what i want n what i dream of..2 share smthing with my junior..n i hv grab that opportunity..
tq 2 ana, reha and jat who alwaz support me even korg duk kt blkg dr blkg la konon..huhu
special thanx goes 2 dr norshidah sbb blanjer kitorg mkn n give us some advice..
dr..ur thought bout life really motivates me..
to faheem n sidek, look at both of u i can realize u hv a good life now..keep it up frens
to my juniors, even we only hv a short time 2gether, but for me we hv make it wonderful n meaningful moment..good luck 2 all of u n enjoy u study life..
Monday, June 09, 2008
weekend yg kesangapan
Last Thursdy, my family came to my sister-in-law ader exam kt Uniten(exam naik pangkat kot)..dtg by flight..sajer je nk buat aku jeles..x per la, nnt aku nk gi Perth nnt, 4 sure naik flight gak..haha(gelak geram)..diorg stay until Friday jer..such a short period..but we have a very meaningful moment 2gether..nowhere 2 brought them..juz pegi Times Square, tmn tasik cyber(bcoz already promise 2 my niece 2 bring them to playground)
org yg plg hepi sekali of course la both of my niece..letih jaga diorg..bdk2 ni dijadikn Allah tanpa tau erti penat..lari la smpi ujung dunia pn, level of their stamina never decrease..yg letihnyer, people around them who look after them...then once dh naik keter, dua2 tlh memulakn alam mimpi msg2 tanpa disuruh2..but once keter berenti, they wake up by themselves n sambung blek berlari sini sana..aduiii..mcm mana la akak n abg aku take care of them..n mcm mana la my parents take care of 4 of us..still can't imagine that...
part yg plg x best biler antar diorg yg x leh tahan nih..looking at my nieces' face n their flying kiss, aku jadi sedih lak..raser cam nk drive blek penangan Pak Lah baru2 ni tlh menyekat keinginn aku tuk blek sekali..ampes tul..korg mesti paham kn??
nk blek pn, kena kumpul duit dulu..huhu...
lpas diorg blek, aku stay arr kt umah sorg2..yer la, yg lain keje plak buat hal..ia rosak di saat aku btul2 memerlukn teman menghilgkn kesunyian..aku on jer tv, monitor menunjkkn 'green' color..x der warna lain except hijau..ape cer?
rupernyer, tv kesygan ana itu x dpt brfungsi dgn baik lg..ia perlu dirawat..ampes tul..time cuti2 la dia nk rosak pn..
so, i went through this weekend dgn penuh kesangapn..hidup tanpa tv ibarat bulan tanpa bintang..(eh, btul ke nih??blasah jer la) mmg boring giler2 la..nk kuar jln2..sekali lg penangan Pak Lah menyekat kemahuan, stay la kt umah buat aper yg patut..n yg patut itu tentulh tidur n tidur..haha..
3 kali my dad call, n ketiga-tiga kali itulh aku tgh tidur..haha..
it was saturdy, byk rancangan best dh trlpas..nasib la..
on Sunday, 8 am sharp, my dad call me once again..below is our conversation:-
abah : nurul, dh bgn lum?
aku : dah..nk gi mandi ni(tipu sunat..takut kena dgr syarahn dr abah)
abah : tv dh ok blum?
aku : blum lg..mmg dh rosak..x leh nk dselamatkn dh
abah : apa plan ari ni? x kn nk tido lg mcm smlm kot?
perghh..pedas tul tuduhan itu walopn btul
aku : x arr, x tido dh...
abah : ok, cpat bgn pegi survey tv..tgk dlm harga rm300 - rm400..then, bgtau abah..nnt
abah masukkn duit
aku : (mata dh membulat..dh x ngantuk dh)..abah, biar btul?
abah : hah, cepat pegi survey b4 tawaran ditutup
aku : orite bos, skrg jgk nurul pegi
then, katil segera aku tgglkn n segera aku msg ana n reha suh bgn (even 1 rumah, still menggunkn sistem pesanan ringkas..haha) ringkas x idup kitorg?hikhik
so, dlm kul 10..bertolaklh kitorg ke alamnda..dpt la tv 21 inc brharga rm3++..straightly aku msg abah inform him da price, aku dulukn duit aku..n that tv was nih..blek je ke rumah, ana n reha sibuk pasangkn tv baru..maka hilanglh kesangapn kami di hari ahad...
daaa..thanx dad
org yg plg hepi sekali of course la both of my niece..letih jaga diorg..bdk2 ni dijadikn Allah tanpa tau erti penat..lari la smpi ujung dunia pn, level of their stamina never decrease..yg letihnyer, people around them who look after them...then once dh naik keter, dua2 tlh memulakn alam mimpi msg2 tanpa disuruh2..but once keter berenti, they wake up by themselves n sambung blek berlari sini sana..aduiii..mcm mana la akak n abg aku take care of them..n mcm mana la my parents take care of 4 of us..still can't imagine that...
part yg plg x best biler antar diorg yg x leh tahan nih..looking at my nieces' face n their flying kiss, aku jadi sedih lak..raser cam nk drive blek penangan Pak Lah baru2 ni tlh menyekat keinginn aku tuk blek sekali..ampes tul..korg mesti paham kn??
nk blek pn, kena kumpul duit dulu..huhu...
lpas diorg blek, aku stay arr kt umah sorg2..yer la, yg lain keje plak buat hal..ia rosak di saat aku btul2 memerlukn teman menghilgkn kesunyian..aku on jer tv, monitor menunjkkn 'green' color..x der warna lain except hijau..ape cer?
rupernyer, tv kesygan ana itu x dpt brfungsi dgn baik lg..ia perlu dirawat..ampes tul..time cuti2 la dia nk rosak pn..
so, i went through this weekend dgn penuh kesangapn..hidup tanpa tv ibarat bulan tanpa bintang..(eh, btul ke nih??blasah jer la) mmg boring giler2 la..nk kuar jln2..sekali lg penangan Pak Lah menyekat kemahuan, stay la kt umah buat aper yg patut..n yg patut itu tentulh tidur n tidur..haha..
3 kali my dad call, n ketiga-tiga kali itulh aku tgh tidur..haha..
it was saturdy, byk rancangan best dh trlpas..nasib la..
on Sunday, 8 am sharp, my dad call me once again..below is our conversation:-
abah : nurul, dh bgn lum?
aku : dah..nk gi mandi ni(tipu sunat..takut kena dgr syarahn dr abah)
abah : tv dh ok blum?
aku : blum lg..mmg dh rosak..x leh nk dselamatkn dh
abah : apa plan ari ni? x kn nk tido lg mcm smlm kot?
perghh..pedas tul tuduhan itu walopn btul
aku : x arr, x tido dh...
abah : ok, cpat bgn pegi survey tv..tgk dlm harga rm300 - rm400..then, bgtau abah..nnt
abah masukkn duit
aku : (mata dh membulat..dh x ngantuk dh)..abah, biar btul?
abah : hah, cepat pegi survey b4 tawaran ditutup
aku : orite bos, skrg jgk nurul pegi
then, katil segera aku tgglkn n segera aku msg ana n reha suh bgn (even 1 rumah, still menggunkn sistem pesanan ringkas..haha) ringkas x idup kitorg?hikhik
so, dlm kul 10..bertolaklh kitorg ke alamnda..dpt la tv 21 inc brharga rm3++..straightly aku msg abah inform him da price, aku dulukn duit aku..n that tv was nih..blek je ke rumah, ana n reha sibuk pasangkn tv baru..maka hilanglh kesangapn kami di hari ahad...
daaa..thanx dad
Wednesday, June 04, 2008
Hidup perlu brsabar
Juz wanna share with all of u guys..smtime joy n sorrow do come together..bcoz thats what makes our life balance. same goes to me..
last 2 weeks, i got an email from UUM..
Application for Graduate Studies Programme in Master of Science (Information Technology) at Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Please be informed that your application for the above programme at Universiti Utara
Malaysia is successful. Congratulations!
I cannot imagine how happy i'm when i got this 2 days after that email, i got another email inform me about the fees.
Tuition Fees :
Registration RM 550.00 (one time)
Library RM 20.00
Student Welfare RM 13.00
Tuition Fee RM 1,926.00 x 3 modules
The amount due for this session would be RM 6,361.00 only.
The payment should b done before or on registration day which is on 14th June..juz 10 days to go..maner nk dpt rm6k within 10 days application will take 3 to 4 weeks...
After thinking thoroughly, may b i should delay my study..even its hard, but i got no choice..
Hidup kena byk brsabar, bcoz smtime nothing we can do except brsabar...
Juz jgn patah semangat n teruskn impian..mgkn agak lmbt tp masih punya impian n semangat..
last 2 weeks, i got an email from UUM..
Application for Graduate Studies Programme in Master of Science (Information Technology) at Universiti Utara Malaysia.
Please be informed that your application for the above programme at Universiti Utara
Malaysia is successful. Congratulations!
I cannot imagine how happy i'm when i got this 2 days after that email, i got another email inform me about the fees.
Tuition Fees :
Registration RM 550.00 (one time)
Library RM 20.00
Student Welfare RM 13.00
Tuition Fee RM 1,926.00 x 3 modules
The amount due for this session would be RM 6,361.00 only.
The payment should b done before or on registration day which is on 14th June..juz 10 days to go..maner nk dpt rm6k within 10 days application will take 3 to 4 weeks...
After thinking thoroughly, may b i should delay my study..even its hard, but i got no choice..
Hidup kena byk brsabar, bcoz smtime nothing we can do except brsabar...
Juz jgn patah semangat n teruskn impian..mgkn agak lmbt tp masih punya impian n semangat..
Monday, June 02, 2008
Congratz filz...
Last saturday was Filzah's wedding..really hepi 2 see her finally got married with her husband after 11 yrs bercinta..hehe. this is the only one my member yg couple for that long long period..look them in orange, i can say that they have made a very rite choice bcoz she looks very beutiful(till the cameraman cakap.."u ni mcm rozita che wan la..")..filzah...i can see ur smile smpi ke telinga once he says that..haha.n her husband, look really gorgeous la..hehe..
anyway..congratz from me n really hope u ll b a good wife n good future mum..n of course make sure u ll b hot mama..haha
lpas ni, things will b litter bit different..more responsibility u hv put in ur, good luck dear...:)
anyway..congratz from me n really hope u ll b a good wife n good future mum..n of course make sure u ll b hot mama..haha
lpas ni, things will b litter bit different..more responsibility u hv put in ur, good luck dear...:)

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