td aku ader bacer berita yg dikirim oleh jat psal UIA dh tukar jubah Konvo..starting from this year, they got new robes for convocation ceremony.
so many questions playing around my mind regarding this matter.
skrg ni plak..lelaki and perempuan kena pki topi mortar board n jubah pn dh brcorak lain ckit..
aku x sure what others opinion, but for me what is good should remain..what is bad should be changed.
if smthing good wanna be changed, it should be made better...
ntah laaa..up to UIA la kn..saper aku nk complaint aper yg diorg buat..huhu
p/s:juz my 10 cent
1st pic :new robe
2nd pic : old robe(tu zmn aku grad dulu)
sedikit rasa trkilan when UIA make this decision.2nd pic : old robe(tu zmn aku grad dulu)
so many questions playing around my mind regarding this matter.
why should they change the robe?what is the strong reason behind this decision?
if the reason is to standardized with other univ, where is our stands then?
kt mana letaknya kelebihan UIA sbg Islamic University biler songkok n tudung bkn lg diletakkn sbg sesuatu yg 'membezakan' antara UIA dgn other univ?
maser zmn aku, yg lelaki perlu bersongkok n yg perempuan betudung krim dgn letakkn smthing kt atas tudung tu(aku x tau cam ner nk describe ape benda ntah org pggl..hehe)if the reason is to standardized with other univ, where is our stands then?
kt mana letaknya kelebihan UIA sbg Islamic University biler songkok n tudung bkn lg diletakkn sbg sesuatu yg 'membezakan' antara UIA dgn other univ?
skrg ni plak..lelaki and perempuan kena pki topi mortar board n jubah pn dh brcorak lain ckit..
aku x sure what others opinion, but for me what is good should remain..what is bad should be changed.
if smthing good wanna be changed, it should be made better...
ntah laaa..up to UIA la kn..saper aku nk complaint aper yg diorg buat..huhu
p/s:juz my 10 cent
lor...robe baru ke?
mcm tak cantik aje....
ha a...robe baru...aku rase...rational nye...sbb ingat tak dulu ada budak cina komplen dia kena pakai tudung utk konvo...so...maybe ni utk tutup mulut2 sahabat2 kita yang belum lagi memeluk Islam kot...rasanya lah...Malaysia....Muslim COuntry..not an Islamic COuntry
then, skrg ni dh x diwajibkn pki tudung ke?
sepatutnya all students regardless of what their religion is, should know from the very beginning rules of UIA..kalo x nk pki tudung, naper masuk UIA?
me.. i dun realy care cz ari 2 masa amk gmbr, sy sudah pakai topi (pinjam budak unitar punye) bersama jubah UIA..
"rules are made to be broken"
pe kata pasni xyah pkai jubah.. pkai skirt ajer g konvo,alang2 nak tukar huhu...
aro--> ko try la suggest kt our rector, rasernyer bole dprtimbangkn kot..haha
Yang baik kita amek..yang tak baek kita buang....see from the bright side la kot...lagi kita paksa non-muslim tutup aurat tanpa kerelaan...lagi la deorang avoid Islam...isnt at the first place...no compulsion in Islam kan?...ni ape yang aku rasa la..and deorang akan reason...on what basis deorang kena tutup aurat...
actually kat luar sana...ada yang lagi worse perangai insan2 nie...ada member aku cite...gi germany...kawan senegara (yet to be Muslim) siap ajak kawan aku minum arak....kat cni tak berani pulak...just see from the bright side...sama la jugak...apa kita rasa kalau kawan kita beragama Hindu tak makan satay ayam+daging...apa kata kita put ourselves in their shoes...by serving satay daging...at the first place kita actually offend deorang...
How would you expect ppl to respect you while u r not respecting others...rite? huhu..ini ikut pengalaman aku la...tapi at some point kita kena firm la...mcm tak minom arak...daging koshi meat....etc..
hye, i was googling the new robe and found ur blog...neway, just continuing the comments kan..i also not happy with the changes. Id the reason just becps of non-muslim tanak pakai tudung ( dont get it wrong when the rules befor, which asked non muslim to wear tudung for convo , it dosent mean to islamise them, its just an identity of UIA that it wanted to show it is an islamic University which is unique and different from the rest in the country) so..wud im trying to say, why shud there be any complaints from the non-muslim in the first place?? they shud have known the fact that it is UIA. and to simply changed everything just becos of the feedbacks from i can saw..very tiny lil minority of non muslim in UIA, i think it ridiculous. i love our identity.wearing tudung or songkok does not harm anyone. and how sad..if its true lah..they changed it becos of that..i pity those ppl. the money could be spend on something more beneficial than that.
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