inilah juadah hidangan di hari ahad lpas...lunch time..
credit to reha, sbb seawal 10pg dh bgn pegi pasar beli brg..
thanx to our special guest, Filzah bcoz sudi brtandang ke umah kitorg last weekend..
our sharing moment was very wonderful rite??heheh
that 'sambal petai' was prepared by me..of course by some direction from my mum..haha
even x baper sedap but at least i can prove to hubby that i can cook..thats da most important thing..hihi
the rest prepared by reha..filzah n ana pn tlg jgk..
reha..what i can say is 'u can cook la'..heheh
however, kalo bab sambal ni, the most expert one among us is of course la cik farhana kiter..
i really enjoy her sambal..sedap bangat..jat..u r lucky la..heheh
last weekend mmg dh x sangap dh like other weekend..mayb bcoz filzah was here n on Saturday nite, we spent time 2gether watching movie at Alamanda -the incredible hulk(mmg best..korang tlgla pegi tgk..really recommended)
lpas abis movie, kitorg gi minum kt kedai mamak jap..then blek umah chit chat lg psal kehidupan msg2..smpi la sumer trlelap..zzzz
now i realize, life is changing now..smtime we miss the pass but still need to move for da future..
Waha .. really ana pandai bt sambal. Kena prepare perut supaya tahan pedaih. Haha :D
citt...msk sedap2 xmo roger org putrajaya. xaci-xaci..kiter dtg xde pun korang masak sedap2. em..majuk nih!! hehe. nk request siakap msk 3 rasa bole?
a ah... sedap sampai pas makan terlena...
haha..so ini adalh sbg pembakar smgt kpd membr2 yg lain utk brtandang ke umah kitorg..hehe
pah-->ikan siakp 3 rasa kiter order je la kt malee yer..heheh
uhuk..uhuk..patut la asik tersedak je...rupenye ade org promote i dlm blog die.. hahahaha
jat-->hohoho sediakan lah perut nnti ye..tu je i tau masak. haha
filzah & noni --> pas mkn berjemaah ari tu, kite tido berjemaah.. kan?kan? kan? hehehe
ifah--> demand siakap lak budak kecik ni....kitorg xmkn siakap... sbb mahal... hahaha
to kwn2 --> dtg la umah kitorg, sbb sape2 dtg, mst ade masak special punye (wpun, xde la special sgt.. ahhaha)
ana-->ona, i nk request..b4 u kawen, banjer arr mkn ikn siakp..huhu
sokong..sokong..nk siakap..
uhuk..uhuk...siakap tu hape?? huhuhu ape kate korg pow bakal husband i je.. bole i tumpang.. hehhe
FYI, encik jat..hehe
ehe, makin meriah plak entry nih.. bagus2! keep up ur good work noni.
en jat..di mana kamu??sila bersuara..
ramai benar yg teringin nk mengepau kamu nih..heheh
iffah .. nak aku start tuntut balik ke??
im here .. nurul ;)
aik..kite pulak yg kena..ape kes?eheh..rasa2 nurul boleh la close this entry;) citt!!
hahaha...noni! buka entry baru!!! uik..noni balik kedah daa... ~~ Sob3x.
Isnin malam. Nurul, Reha, Ana, Khafifah .. Kat mane2 .. decide .. I'll take u all there keh
(yankies hut bleh??)
okkeh!!!! wink wink wink.. misi mengepow berjaya!! ehhehe
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