talking to my bro few days ago..i told him, this new City will kill his 'dugong'(Vios)..hahaha
it looks really impressive..isn't it??
my fren told me the price will b about rm85k..so, juz bole mimpi to make it mine...
but never expect la the price would b lower than existing City rite?? normal la tu..there r Honda..;)
hehe, skrang sy tengah buat keje dekat kilang honda di melaka, setiap kali lawat tapak mesti sy akan tengok pekerja dorang tengah pasang kereta nie, memang nice look, ada 2 type version mcm vios gak.. dapat sentuh dan cuit sana sini kat kete tu pun dah best gak. kuikui..
heheh..saje je nk bg sy jeles eh..haha
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